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Addiction and Alcohol Abuse in Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania

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Addiction and Alcohol Abuse in Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania

The majority of drug abusers believe that they can stop substance abuse on their own. That false belief has killed many drug addicts. Statistics prove that very few people can successfully quit abusing drugs on their own.  Drug addiction is intertwined in every area of the addict’s life including the people they know and socialize with, what clothes they wear and their family life. The negative impact from drug addiction goes on and on. Many people need to get help with drug abuse very few will actually admit there is a problem and go to a drug rehab program.  Drug addiction has become more common and people from all demographics are challenged with addiction.  No one starts out thinking they will become addicted to drugs or alcohol. For most people the process of substance abuse addiction manifests itself over a period of time. The reality is if a person finds themselves in need of a drug rehab program there are many choices available.  It can be overwhelming to the addict or the loved one trying to help to find the best possible program. “Am I an alcoholic?” The fact that someone is asking this question indicates there is a problem.  A normal drinker doesn’t ask that question if there is no reason too!  You may be in need of an alcohol rehab program if you have obsessive thoughts about drinking and when you can drink again, or tell yourself you will only have 1 or 2 drinks and end up drunk.  Alcohol rehab programs allow the alcoholic an opportunity to step back and look at the negative behaviors and consequences that drinking has caused and permit them to make new choices on how he or she wants to live their life.  It is very hard to stop addiction without professional help

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