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Stepping Stones Alumni Celebrates National Recovery Month Sharing His Recovery From Addiction

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I have lived all of my life in fear. I was afraid of being alone and afraid of reaching out to others. I was absolutely incapable of living a meaningful and productive life. Alcohol helped to numb that fear and drown the self-doubt. Eventually, that remedy backfired, and the consequences of daily drinking caught up with me. Defeated, I was at the point where I could no longer live with drinking, but I still could not face the world without it. Addiction treatment and recovery to me is the answer. It is liberation from that fear through reliance on a High Power and a Fellowship, rather than through an addiction to bottles and shot glasses. Recovery means serenity in the present and hope for the future. Recovery is the key to happiness and the cure for loneliness and isolation. Recovery is the only way that a drunk like me can live the life I always wanted. ~Craig W.

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