While no one chooses addiction it is important to know that whether it is illegal drugs, alcohol or prescription medication with the proper help recovery is always possible.
Study Aid Can Turn To Addiction
College students using prescription drugs to gain an edge in study can quickly go sour and lead them down the dark road of addiction that will require serious time, attention and effort to put an end to.
Welfare Drug Testing In Florida Stopped. What About Stopping Addiction?
A law recently passed by the state of Florida to drug test welfare recipients before receiving welfare checks has been stopped as it may be violating a persons constitutional rights.
Can Suboxone Get You High?
Addicts have learned how to remove the naloxone ingredient from Suboxone which is the component that acts as an opiate blocker and prevent people from getting high off drugs like Oxycontin, and heroin.
Everyone Recognized My Addiction But Me
Looking back on my addiction, while I appreciate all of the people who pleaded with me to get help I know that I had to realize what addiction was doing to me and want to get help if I had any chance of getting sober.
Substituting Drugs To Support Addiction
If an addict is not able to get their hands on their drug of choice they will substitute another drug for it in order to feed their addiction.
Nic Sheff’s “Tweak” Takes you on a Journey into the Consequences of Addiction
The book “Tweak” gives even the worst of addicts hope that has struggled with relapse that recovery from addiction is possible.
Make Sobriety From Addiction Your Life
In the beginning stages of recovery from addiction it is necessary to make sobriety a priority above all else but after a while if the proper steps are taken the actions necessary to stay sober will fit into someones life.
This Isn’t Your Parents Marijuana
The potency of marijuana has more then doubled over the past twenty years causing concern on the long term affects it can have on a person late on in their life.
Helpful Tips to Help Your Recovery From Addiction
No matter how long someone has been in recovery from addiction it is always helpful to use the following tips in order to help ensure sobriety.