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Tag: prescription pills

Fentanyl and Heroin Overdose Deaths Continue to Rise in Florida

Florida’s substance-use crisis continues unabated. The latest annual figures show that total drug-related deaths in Florida increased by almost 14 percent in 2015 over 2014. Especially alarming are the rising overdose deaths from heroin and fentanyl. Data for 2015 from the Florida Medical Examiners Commission shows that “occurrences of heroin increased by 74.3 percent and…

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What Are the Most Addictive Drugs?

Drug addiction, whatever its form, is a serious condition that requires professional treatment. However, many people are curious to know which drugs are the most addictive. Although no two individuals or their addictions are alike, there are certainly some addictive drugs that have a stronger hold on their users than others. Crack Cocaine Arguably the…

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