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The Perfect Storm for Addiction

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The Perfect Storm for Addiction

Childhood Trauma and Personality Traits

The Perfect Storm for Addiction
You may have heard people saying they have addictive personalities and blame their drug addiction on this trait. The idea of addictive personalities has merit. Research has suggested that if you have impulsive or compulsive personality traits, you may have an increased risk of addiction. However, new evidence from the University of Cambridge suggests traumatic childhood events plus these personality traits can be the perfect storm for drug addiction.

We All Have a History

We all have lived through different experiences and have figured out how to cope with them. Some people deal with these things head on and some focus their energy on something completely different. It is common to hear that addicts abuse drugs to escape or numb their feelings about situations from their pasts. But then drugs become such a large part of your life that they cause even more problems. In the end, the emotional issues you had before are not resolved. This theory was confirmed in the study led by Dr. Karen Ersche of the Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute (BCNI) at the University of Cambridge. The study included 50 adults with cocaine addiction and their non-drug-using siblings. All were assessed on their personalities, thoughts and feelings. They were also asked questions about their childhoods, specifically any abuse or trauma. Siblings of addicts who experienced childhood trauma or abuse also had above average impulsive and compulsive personalities, but did not fall into addiction.

The Key to Coping

The results of the study show that the combination of impulsive personality traits and trauma does increase the risk of addiction, but Dr. Ersche stated that this should not be an excuse for the addict’s behavior. Knowing how the non-addicted siblings dealt or coped with their experiences without turning to drugs is the key to helping others, but we need more studies for that. Until then, addicts should still seek treatment in rehab. While in rehab, underlying issues that trigger their addiction is addressed in group and individual therapy. This helps them deal with the feelings linked to abuse or trauma. They learn healthier ways to deal with their feelings. Stepping Stone Center gives addicts the tools they need to begin the road to recovery. Our addiction treatment programs help addicts learn to identify triggers and teach them healthy ways to cope with cravings and other underlying issues. Our caring and knowledgeable staff provides personalized treatment that fits your needs. Bad things happen sometimes, but you don’t have to keep struggling because of it. Call Stepping Stone Center now at 866-957-4960 and begin healing today.

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